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Gift An Experience

Share a gift with a friend, colleague, family member or whoever. Share an experience that'll last a lifetime!

  1. Gift vouchers last 12 months from the date of purchase.
  2. On the 'order confirmation' page you'll be able to download the voucher instantly - to print, email or send.
  3. At checkout enter all your information, except the 'gift recipient name', that'll show on the voucher.
  4. Flexible - the recipient can switch trails or extend their group size, we're happy to accommodate.

A gift to share, our trails are great for families or groups of friends to enjoy together.
Memorable experiences, something different to be enjoyed and never forgotten.
Flexible dates, recipients can redeem their voucher for a day of their choice anytime within the next 12 months.
Instant download, receive your customised .PDF to print or email to the giftee immediatley after booking.

Ready? Give a gift today


The great things our customers have to say about CityDays



Great fun

Potten End Old Boys

Potten End Old Boys

Excellent way to spend a couple of hours in the City. I used to work there and saw things I never knew were there. Well…



Really enjoyable experience. We learnt new things about the city of Brum.There is scaffolding outside the hotel opposit…



Our second City Days treasure hunt and another fabulous day! My husband was born and bred in central London and once ag…

Windsor oldies

Windsor oldies

Great day out exploring parts of London you would never normally do

Seekers of Aravos

Seekers of Aravos

I was in a team with my partner and our 9 year son. We had a blast. There was something for us all!

Are you okay?

Are you okay?

We really enjoyed the scavenger hunt! It was a great way to get outside and enjoy the city in a different way. We both …

Three Women and No Baby

Three Women and No Baby

Second one I have done. Such a brilliant format. The clues are well written and make you really look at what’s around y…

3 Gen

3 Gen

Great way to entertain teenagers, they loved it.



A great way to learn about a city and have fun doing it. The clues were good and the walk was about right

Team Hammond

Team Hammond

My wife and I had a fantastic day of exploring and refreshments. We will definitely be back!

Daryls birthday

Daryls birthday

Really fun morning. Would definitely recommend

Bickle's Bongles

Bickle's Bongles

The clues were excellent - easy to follow without being too easy to solve! Took us on a very pleasant journey around Lo…



It was excellent. Only error we made was at the Plague for the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. This was because the bronz…

Jannie's jaunts

Jannie's jaunts

Great fun and a fabulous way to look around a city, our first time, but not the last



Had the most amazing time doing our murder mystery trail! Well thought out, perfect clues, and a lovely city to do it i…



Amazing day out!!




Team Kataraang

Team Kataraang

Was a super fun day, even as Oxford students!It was great learning so many new things about the city and paying attenti…

Doctor and the Cats

Doctor and the Cats

Great fun and interesting places to discover, especially Mercato Market

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